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Designación de versiones

En este ejemplo se muestra el criterio de asignación para los diferentes números de versión de MySQL® una marca registrada de MySQL AB    www.mysql.com. Un conocido fabricante de bases de datos relacionales que son distribuidas bajo un doble sistema de licencia:  GNU y comercial.  La descripción corresponde al original inglés de MySQL Reference Manual for Version 4.0.14b.

The MySQL naming scheme uses release numbers that consist of three numbers and a suffix. For example, a release name like mysql-3.21.17-beta is interpreted like this:

  • The first number (3) describes the file format. All Version 3 releases have the same file format.
  • The second number (21) is the release level. Normally there are two to choose from. One is the production branch (currently 3.23) and the other is the development branch (currently 4.0). Normally both are stable, but the development version may have quirks, may be missing documentation on new features, or may fail to compile on some systems.
  • The third number (17) is the version number within the release level. This is incremented for each new distribution. Usually you want the latest version for the release level you have chosen.
  • The suffix (beta) indicates the stability level of the release. The possible suffixes are:
    • alpha indicates that the release contains some large section of new code that hasn't been 100% tested. Known bugs (usually there are none) should be documented in the News section. See section D MySQL Change History. There are also new commands and extensions in most alpha releases. Active development that may involve major code changes can occur on an alpha release, but everything will be tested before doing a release. There should be no known bugs in any MySQL release.
    • beta means that all new code has been tested. No major new features that could cause corruption on old code are added. There should be no known bugs. A version changes from alpha to beta when there haven't been any reported fatal bugs within an alpha version for at least a month and we don't plan to add any features that could make any old command more unreliable.
    • gamma is a beta that has been around a while and seems to work fine. Only minor fixes are added. This is what many other companies call a release.
    • If there is no suffix, it means that the version has been run for a while at many different sites with no reports of bugs other than platform-specific bugs. Only critical bug fixes are applied to the release. This is what we call a production (stable) release.